Run ERICA Run!!
So, I did it. It took me awhile. But I did it. 13.1 miles. When you say it out loud, it doesn't seem very far. But when mile 11 starts curving into Golden Gate Park, I think IS THIS HELL OVER!?!
Some thoughts and highlights of my run???
1. MR. Taxicab driver, thank you. Sorry, I had only $7.00 and I didn't have anything else besides a $50. That's how I roll!
2. Stretching in the lobby of the St. Francis hotel lobby at 6am.
3. Reading all the different signs and tearing up ( i'm a crier), "In honor of...", "In memory of..." " RIP..."
4. Watching the crazy loonies just throwing away their sweatshirts on the streets of San Francisco. You must have known you'd get hot during a marathon race!!
5. When was the last time I was at Baker Beach? Ocean Beach? or at the Cliffhouse restaurant?
6. Fuck my god damn iPod mini. Dieing out on me at Mile 3 (yes! I charged it!!) It's a conspiracy! You just want me to purchase the new nano!! ok. I will.
( Shout out to Pink, JT, Kelly C. for getting me pumped the during the 3 miles. Wish you were there for the rest of the 10 miles.) You know how people throw away their sweatshirts??? I wanted to chuck my mini into the Aquatic Park! Screw those crazy swimmers.!
but seriously.
7. My sister for being my unofficial trainer. I still haven't figured out why my toes cramp right after mile 2 and stop at mile 6!??! Next year. You and Me. You won't be waiting for me at the finish line. We will be crossing together.
Last but not least....
8. My RJAs... They kept me going... knowing they'd be there for me. This big huge event and Mommy was a part of it. Rj saw this tent and couldn't believe it.

I ran for me. 20, 000+ women (minus the 542 lame men) ran over 260,000+ miles together. All at different paces, finish times and reasons. But WE did it together. To my Girly Girls and their families. ( Shot out to Derrick for shouting out my name the last 50 yards). WE DID IT!!! Are we seriously going to do it again????