I'm here! I said I'M HERE!!!

This is new for me, so bare with me.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I've ranted and raved about this man for years. AND WHY NOT?!?!?! Is he not the greatest?

He is BACK!!!

I am a bit upset that he isn't doing any Northern California shows. But, I'll forgive him for now. But if he does a show in some HUGE arena so where he is as tiny as a peanut when I paid $135 a ticket to see him. I will have to bitch. Don't get me wrong. I will still go. But, I better get some kick ass seats!!!!

So, if anyone knows any ticket hook ups... Call me... 555-5555 HAHAHA!!!


  • At 9:52 PM, Blogger Rowdeezy said…

    Justin, I told you no SexyBacks. Once sexy, always sexy.

    I dont know why I said that.....


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